Do you get frustrated every time you go hunting for your unlock key(s) and wish they were all at one place? Do you forget what resources for theWord Bible Software that you already own?
You can get this service and have all your premium module keys moved under your account at theWordBooks.com. This service is very useful if your old email, which you have used to activate your premium modules, is no longer active
Here is what you get by moving everything to theWordBooks.com account:
Why pay?
This procedure requires manual verification to identify and match your old and new account. Moreover, the actual transfer needs to be done manually, which takes time and effort.
Important note:
When you buy this product please specific in the “Additional Information right before Proceed to Paypal” area the email(s) you previously had at theWord.net and at least 1 module/resource, per email, that you purchased at theWord.net (so we can verify your accout) also please specify the email you would like your content transferred to at theWordBooks.com. This information is required and without it we cannot complete your request. Please note we can not use your name for this, only email(s) can be used.
Your licensing agreement remains the same. Your old information will be maintained but moved to your new account. So you will still use your old unlock key, email and name. You will receive an email upon completion with an order for $0 which will show the modules you previously had at theWord.net according to the information you provide. After this you will be able to access unlock information on theWordBooks.com via > My Account > Downloads.
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theWord Bible Software