We at theWordbooks.com LLC keep your personal information secure. We do not sell it to 3rd parties, nor do we loan it, give it away, nor allow it to be used by anybody else except our website store.
We do use your information is several ways. We have payment gateways that process your order and charge your debit or credit card, or use paypal to charge you. The setup of this apparatus is such that we do not have a copy of your card information. The payment gateway people do. For example, Paypal has all the information you gave them, but we cannot see almost any of it. We can see your name, and your physical address. This is necessary if we are, for example, to send a DVD to you, we need that information.
On all orders, we keep your email address (and what modules you purchased, and how much you paid, including or being reduced by coupons and sales) attached to your order so that if there is some problem in the future, or if we find a defect in the module you purchased, we have a means whereby we can resend you a corrected module. This is simple housekeeping on our part, and we do not do anything more than communicate with you over the particulars of your order.
Please note that we do have a website newsletter, and you should subscribe in that to receive updates, new module announcements, and any other site news we might have. So please go subscribe.