From this page, you can find tools and other utilities that will help you expand the capabilities of theWord.
Most of the tools on this page are only in English and not very well documented. You can find help about how to use them in the forum.
The following software is not directly supported by theWord team but we do highly recommend it.
If you have questions please ask the author of the software.
– this is an excellent tool to work on:
- Bible translation projects
- Add Strong’s to a Bible
- Add Morphology to a Bible
- Make an Interlinear
Here is the help file:
Here is the program you can also ask questions here in “issues”:
To download scroll down looking for Assets then download the iBiblia….zip file and extract it to a folder on your computer.
The program is ran using iBiblia.exe. See the Help file above for use.
Book Editor: | Bible Editor: | Regex Editor:
– this is an excellent tool for converting resources to use with theWord Bible Software:
- Books from html, epub, docx (MS Word), RTF (RichTextFile), etc.
- Bibles from csv, html, xml, usx, usfm, etc. (text files)
You can learn more about it here and ask questions:
Download here:
Importer tool (ver. – Aug 6, 2015)
This is a tool that will let you import public domain resources from other formats and use them directly from within theWord. These include:
• RTF files from your local disk (to create a commentary or book)
• e-Sword modules (only non-password protected modules)
• Zefania XML modules
• Unbound Bible modules
Please, notice that the conversion may not be perfect in some cases.
This tool also includes the following utilities:
• Apply paragraphs to a Bible module (.ont file). The paragraphs should be in the default paragraph file format.
• Apply chapter headings to a Bible module (.ont file). The headings should be in the default file format.
• Convert a UTF8 text to ansii given a codepage.
• Embed fonts in a non-Bible module.
• Create a chapter headings file by parsing a single text or xml file (using regular expressions).
Download the Importer tool here (1.44MB)
See Importer tool changelog here
Technical documentation and specifications
The format of the module files is open and documented. You can download the latest version of the specification documents from here. Also, there are other documents describing technical aspects of the program here.
• Bible module file specification
• Non-Bible modules file specification (dictionaries, commentaries, books, maps, devotionals, etc.)
• Welcome Screen specifications and instructions
• File locations used by the program (where modules are, etc.)
• Translation instructions (if you want to translate theWord into your language, check here first).
• User modules creation and formatting guidelines (a general style guide and best practices)
Utility modules used for creating content, debugging, etc
The following files are made available for those that want to create their own modules, or find out how theWord works internally.
• a Bible file where each line contains the book, chapter, verse number. Useful to find mappings between absolute line numbers (1-31102) and book/chapter/vers
• a Bible file where each line contains the actual absolute index and a dummy xref to itself. Useful for building modules, debugging, etc. Make sure you read the ‘Information’ of the module since it uses some custom keys to toggle some content on/off.
• a template commentary file with an entry for each verse. The entries are used as placeholder (updated Nov 29, 2012)
• a template for a devotional file, with entries broken up in months and days, morning and evening (ME)
• a template for a devotional file, with entries broken up in months and days, single entry for each entry