Introduction: What’s Wrong with This Picture?
1: “Where’s the Beef?” and “Where’s the Verse?”
- “Where’s the Beef?”
- Shadows
- The Intimidating List
- Where is the Pre-Tribulation Rapture?
2: Coming Like a Thief in the Night
- The Thief in the Night in Second Peter
3: The Day of the Lord is the Second Coming
- Events Before the Day of the Lord
- Elijah
4: The Return of Jesus Vignette from The Millennium Chronicles
5: Unwinding Common Pre-Tribulation Assumptions
- Who Is Returning from Heaven with Jesus?
- What about the Church of Philadelphia?
- Will Christians Experience God’s Wrath?
- The Mystical Meta Tauta
6: The Unmysterious Timing of the Rapture
- The First Passage with the Resurrection, Rapture, and the Lord’s Coming
- The Rapture (Gathering and Hiding Away)
7: Unmysterious Rapture Timing Verses
- Verses Affirming the Resurrection
- Rapture/Gathering Verses
- The Resurrection/Gathering at Christ’s Coming
- Verses Placing the Resurrection Before the Rapture/Gathering
- The Resurrection/Gathering at the Last Trumpet/End of Days
- Verses Associating the Resurrection with the Indignation / Judgment on the Nations
8: First Century Expectations of the End of the Age
- The Hope of the Pharisees
- The Afterlife in Modern Jewish Thought
- Christian Belief in the Resurrection
9: Revelation is Thematic – Not Chronological
- All the Mountains and Islands Flee Away
- Angels are Stars
- “And” versus “Then” in Revelation
10: Paul’s Two Scheme Dimensional System
- Schemes, Forms, and Appearances
- Power, Resurrection, and Subjection
- The Rapture in Technical Terms
11: The Veil Between Heaven and Earth
- When Do the Heavens Pass Away?
- There is a Veil Between Heaven and Earth
- The Two Veils
- We Are Like the Boy in the Bubble
- Adam and the Adamáh
12: The Veil Vignette from The Millennium Chronicles
13: Reclaiming the First Thessalonians Rapture Narrative
- The Coming of the Lord
- Translating the Rapture Verse
- Harpagēsometha
- What’s Up with “Caught Up”?
- Where Do We Go from Here?
14: Tree of Life – New Body Transformation Vignette from The Millennium Chronicles
15: Christ’s Last Enemy and the Rapture
- Why the Lord Tarries
- Then Comes the End
- Daniel and the Thessalonian Connection
16: Putting It All Together: What Happens on the Day of the Second Coming?