- Want your personal Bible study notes on your keychain wherever you go?
- Not allowed to install software on your work computer?
- Need to read your Bible when Internet access is not available?
- Want to make a copy of theWord on your friend’s computer?
All your Personal Notes and Bible Library within a tiny USB flash drive!
Just plug it in any Windows PC and theWord toGo is ready to run, leaving no traces behind.
What exactly is it? How can I get it?
theWord toGo Make Your Own USB is a Zip download that you can use to put theWord Bible Software on your own USB flash drive and then it is ready to start as soon as you insert the USB flash drive in a USB port of a PC running Microsoft Windows! Then when you use that USB there is no installation required whatsoever.
The Your USB Flash Drive once unzipped onto your drive contains theWord toGo, which is a pre-installed version of theWord Bible Software optimized for use from a USB flash drive, and:
- comes preloaded with over 200 Bibles and books
An excellent way to spread the Gospel! Perfect for Missions and Evangelism
Spreading copies of theWord is as easy as copying a folder! You can keep the flash drive with you and rapidly install it on computers of friends and family with a click. No restrictions, no fees, nothing. Just sow a seed of theWord as needed to help spread the Bible.
The first missionaries spread Bibles as a means of evangelism; in our digital age you can spread the electronic Bible in a similar, quick and easy manner.
100 days, 100% Satisfaction Guarantee … or you keep it all!
theWord toGo is the best way to show your appreciation for the huge effort behind the theWord Bible software which is completely free. If you would be considering a donation at any point, then this is the best way to indirectly support us for all the effort behind theWord.
But, if you don’t like how theWord toGo works on your flash drive if for any reason, you can just write us an honest note explaining how it failed to meet your expectations and we will return your entire purchase money back! And you will keep theWord toGO on your flash drive.
We really feel that the theWord toGo is such a good value, that we are ready to give it away if you don’t like it — no strings attached. No hassle to return anything, no costs to ship back anything, you just keep it.
You may read here the detailed terms of the 100 days, 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.
Unique Bibles and more! What is included?
The total list of included Bibles, Commentaries, Dictionaries, Devotionals, Maps & Graphics in more than 70 languages can be found in the official site of theWord.
What are the System Requirements?
theWord toGo will run in any PC that is running Microsoft Windows! Remember, theWord toGo does not require an installation or administration rights and leaves no traces behind. Once you unplug the USB flash drive, there is absolutely no trace left on the host computer.
What other benefits are there?
All your personal notes and highlights, Bible reading Plans and favorite books are always with you. The flash drive is so small that you can have it with you wherever you go.
theWord version included is not a slimmed-down version of the software, but the full-blown version that is available as a normal installation. This means that you always have the full power with you.
Moreover, you can very easily extend your theWord toGo flash drive with more premium modules you may buy from theWordBooks! The standard license terms of all premium modules available for theWord allow you to enjoy them at the same time on your standard PC installation and on your theWord toGo flash drive without paying again!
You can also add more modules on the USB flash drive from 3rd party sites to extend your library. theWord includes an integrated installer function that makes the process very easy!
- Betrachtungen über die Bücher der Bibel (Synopsis) deu
- Die fünf Bücher Mose deu
- Kelly – Einführende Vorträge zum Neuen Testament deu
- Ulrich: Gekommen – um zu dienen deu
- Biblical Illustrator, The eng
- Bridgeway Bible Commentary eng
- Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible eng
- Darby – New Testament Commentaries eng
- Darby’s translation notes eng
- David Guzik’s Commentary on the whole Bible eng
- English Annotations on the Holy Bible by Matthew Poole, 1685 eng
- Four-Fold Gospel/Acts eng
- Hole’s Commentary on the NT and selected books of OT eng
- Ironside’s Notes on Selected Books eng
- John Darby’s Synopsis of the Bible eng
- John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible eng
- Kelly, W. Introductory Lectures – New Testament eng
- Kelly, W., Major Works eng
- Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary on the Whole Bible eng
- Matthew Henry’s Whole Bible Commentary eng
- New Testament Introductions and Outlines eng
- Notes on the Pentateuch – C. H. Mackintosh eng
- Scofield Reference Notes, 1917 Edition eng
- Student’s Guide to New Testament Textual Variants, A eng
- The Gospels Compared eng
- Through The Bible C-2000 Series eng
- Treasury of David eng
- Treasury of Scripture Knowledge eng
- Treasury of Scripture Knowledge – Enhanced eng
- Variant Readings of the New Testament eng
- Word Pictures in the New Testament eng
- Word Studies in the New Testament eng
- You Can Understand the Bible: Study Guide Commentary Series by Dr. Bob Utley eng
- 信望愛聖經原文字典 Faith, Hope and Love Bible text dictionary linked to Strong’s numbers chi
- Namen des Ewigen deu
- American Tract Society Bible Dictionary – A Dictionary of Holy Bible eng
- Bridgeway Bible Dictionary eng
- Fausset’s Bible Dictionary eng
- Hitchcock’s Bible Names eng
- Illustrated Bible Dictionary eng
- International Standard Bible Encyclopedia eng
- King James Concordance eng
- Morrish Bible dictionary, A New and Concise Bible Dictionary eng
- Nave’s Topical Bible eng
- Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary of American English eng
- Smith’s Bible Dictionary eng
- Thompson Chain-Reference eng
- Torrey’s New Topical Textbook eng
Ancient Languages (Greek, Hebrew, Strongs Numbers)
- Abbott-Smith’s Manual Greek Lexicon of the New Testament eng
- Ancient Hebrew Lexicon of the Bible eng
- Dodson Greek-English Lexicon eng
- Greek to Hebrew and Hebrew to Greek, Dictionary of Septuagint Words eng
- Liddell-Scott-Jones Lexicon of Classical Greek eng
- Liddell-Scott-Jones Lexicon of Classical Greek, An Intermediate Greek English Lexicon (1882) (Abridged) eng
- Mickelson’s Enhanced Strong’s Greek and Hebrew Dictionaries eng
- Shoroshim: Thesaurus of Hebrew Roots eng
- Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon eng
- English
- Robinson’s Morphological Analysis Codes eng
- Portuguese
- Códigos de análise morfológica de Robinson por
- Spanish
- Códigos de Análisis Morfológico de Robinson spa
General Books
- Der jüdische Krieg deu
- Abstract of Systematic Theology eng
- All of Grace eng
- Another Comforter eng
- Bible Doctrines eng
- Church Fathers (Ante-Nicene Fathers, Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers) – 37 Volumes eng
- Clarity Trumpets by R. A. Seymour eng
- Come Lord Jesus eng
- Dispensational Truth – God’s Plan and Purpose in the Ages eng
- Edersheim The Temple – Its Ministry and Service eng
- Edersheim, Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah eng
- Finney’s Systematic Theology eng
- Foxe’s Book of Martyrs eng
- Gesenius’ Hebrew Grammar eng
- Handbook of Personal Evangelism eng
- Hole’s Writings eng
- In Defense of the Objective Authority of the Sacred Text eng
- Isn’t The Kjv Perfect? eng
- KJV Preface – KJV Epistle Dedicatory and Translators to the Reader eng
- Manners and Customs of Bible Lands eng
- Mastering the Bible eng
- Miller’s Church History eng
- New Testament Textual Criticism: The Case for Byzantine Priority eng
- Pilgrim’s Progress, The eng
- Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth eng
- Sketches of Jewish Social Life eng
- The Bible History, Old Testament eng
- The Complete Sayings of Jesus eng
- The Complete Works of E. M. Bounds on Prayer eng
- The Son of His Love – Papers on the Eternal Sonship eng
- The Training Of The Twelve eng
- The Writings of C. H. Mackintosh eng
- The Writings of Hamilton Smith eng
- The Writings of J.G.Bellett eng
- Types of the Tabernacle eng
- Types of the Temple eng
- Unmasking Evolution eng
- Comme Christ fre
- Daily Open Windows eng
- Day By Day By Grace eng
- Morning and Evening: Daily Readings eng
- Sample devotional to start building your personal devotional eng
- Sample devotional to start building your personal devotional including separate topics for Morning and Evening eng
- Doré’s Bible Illustrations eng
- The Complete Sunday School Atlas eng
- The Rand-McNally Bible Atlas maps eng
Interface Translations
- Afrikaans language file
- Albanian language file
- Brazilian Portuguese language file
- Bulgarian language file
- Catalan language file
- Czech language file
- Simplified Chinese language file
- Traditional Chinese language file
- Danish Language file
- German language file
- Finnish language file
- French language file
- Greek language file
- Hindi language file
- Hungarian language file
- Italian language file
- Japanese language file
- Korean language file
- Malay language file
- Dutch language file
- Polish language file
- Romanian language file
- Russian language file
- Slovak language file
- Spanish ES language file
- Spanish INT language file
- Serbian Cyrillic language file
- Serbian Latin language file
- Thai language file
- Ukrainian language file
Real Testimonials
- Thank you so much for an excellent program … Kudos on an excellent job! My standard installation is over 700mb and I LOVE that I can keep it on my USB drive and give it out to people as I go about my day, and I’ve given it out to quite a few folks!
- Thank so much for this awesome software! I use it nearly every day, and have introduced many of my friends to it. I love how it’s free and portable. I helped a friend load a bunch of flash drives with the full sweet and he brought them to Africa on his trip and everyone over there was thrilled by the free materials! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!
- Great job, excellent program. Specially grateful for providing me a portable Hindi Bible and the ability to search it and make notes. God bless you all for your wonderful efforts for spreading His Word.
Available on theWord toGo or downloadable at theWord.net
- Die Pad van Waarheid tot die Lewe Afrikaanse afr
- Albanian Bible alb
- Revised Amharic Bible amh
- Smith Van Dyke Arabic Bible ara
- Smith Van Dyke Arabic Bible with Vowels ara
- Western Armenian New Testament of 1853 arm
- Tashelhayt NT and Selected Psalms – aġaras n-tudert, imurign i-sidi rebbi ber
- BULGARIAN BIBLE – Revised edition 1940 – Copyright © 1995-2005 by www.bibliata.com bul
- ВЕРЕН 2013 bul
- Judson Burmese Bible of 1835 bur
- Cebuano Ang Biblia, Bugna Version ceb
- Czech Bible 21 ces
- Czech Bible Kralicka ces
- Chinese NET Bible® – Chinese New English Translation 新 英語譯本聖經, Simplified Chinese 简体版 – – Free Limited Notes Version chi
- Chinese NET Bible® – Chinese New English Translation 新 英語譯本聖經, Traditional Chinese 繁體版 – Free Limited Notes Version chi
- Chinese Union Version – Classical Chinese 文 理和合本 chi
- Chinese Union Version 和合本 – Simplified with Strong’s numbers 简体中文版连史特朗经文滙篇 (Cuv/S) chi
- Chinese Union Version 和合本 – Traditional with Strong’s numbers 繁體中文版連史特朗經文滙篇 (Cuv/T) chi
- Jian Ming Sheng Jing 简明圣经 – Simplified 简体版 (JMSJ-S) chi
- Jian Ming Sheng Jing 簡明聖經 – Traditional 繁體版 (JMSJ-T) chi
- Romanized Chinese 汉语拼音圣经 (Pinyin) chi
- 中文英皇欽定本上帝版 Chinese King James Version Shang-Di 繁體中文 chi
- 中文英皇欽定本神版 Chinese King James Version God 繁體中文 chi
- 中文英皇钦定本上帝版 Chinese King James Version Shang-Di 简体中文 chi
- 中文英皇钦定本神版 Chinese King James Version God 简体中文 chi
- Elberfelder Übersetzung von 1871 deu
- German Darby Unrevidierte Elberfelder 1905 deu
- German ‘Neue evangelistische Übersetzung’ deu
- German ‘van Ess’ translation deu
- Hermann Menge (1841-1939) Translation deu
- Luther translation 1545 deu
- Luther translation 1912 deu
- Textbibel des Alten und Neuen Testaments deu
- A Failthful Version eng
- A Voice in the Wilderness – 2008 eng
- American King James Version eng
- American Standard Version of 1901 eng
- Anderson’s 1865 New Testament eng
- Apostolic Bible Polyglot – English only text of Interlinear eng
- Apostolic Bible Polyglot Greek-English Interlinear eng
- Authorized King James Version Pure Cambridge Edition eng
- Bible in Basic English 1949/1964 eng
- Bishops’ Bible of 1568 eng
- Catholic Public Domain Version eng
- Coverdale Bible of 1535 eng
- Daniel Mace New Testament (1729) eng
- Darby translation 1890 eng
- Disciple’s Literal New Testament eng
- Douay-Rheims Bible, Challoner Revision eng
- Emphasized Bible eng
- English Revised Version eng
- English Septuagint (Brenton’s) eng
- English Standard Version 2011 Version, The Holy Bible eng (Download only)
- English Standard Version, The Holy Bible eng (Download only)
- Geneva Bible of 1587 eng
- Godbey New Testament, The eng
- Gospel of God In Christ eng
- Haweis, A Translation of the New Testament from the original Greek eng
- Holman Christian Standard Bible® eng
- International Standard Version Bible (ISV) – Limited Notes Edition eng
- Jewish Publication Society Tanakh – 1917 eng
- King James or Authorized Version: original edition of 1611 eng
- King James Version of 1611/1769 with Strong’s numbers eng
- Literal Standard Version eng
- NET Bible® – New English Translation – Limited notes edition eng
- Restored Name King James Version eng
- Smith’s Literal Translation eng
- The English Majority Text Version (EMTV) of the Holy Bible eng
- The Koren Jerusalem Bible eng
- The Lexham English Bible eng
- The Open English Bible (Commonwealth Spellings) eng
- The Open English Bible (US Spellings) eng
- The Scriptures (ISR) 2009 with Footnotes eng
- The Twentieth Century New Testament eng
- Tyndale Bible of 1526 eng
- Updated King James Version eng
- Webster Bible Translation eng
- Wesley’s New Testament 1755 eng
- Weymouth New Testament eng
- Wilbur Pickering New Testament eng
- World English Bible eng
- Worrell New Testament (1904) eng
- Worsley’s New Testament. 1770 eng
- Young’s Literal Translation 1898 eng
- Coco Pyha Raamattu 1642 fin
- Kirkkoraamattu 1776 fin
- Kirkkoraamattu 1933/38 fin
- Saarisalon Uusi Testamentti fin
- French J.N.Darby translation fre
- French Martin 1744 fre
- La Bible Augustin Crampon 1923 fre
- Louis Segond 1910 fre
- Georgian New Testament – “Sakataliko” version, XI century – ASCII (compatibility version) geo
- Georgian New Testament – “Sakataliko” version, XI century. geo
Greek, Ancient
- Beza, Greek New Testament grc
- Byzantine/Majority Text (2000) Greek NT with Strong’s Numbers and parsing info grc
- Greek New Testament with accents as it is used by the Greek Orthodox Church grc
- Greek New Testament with Variants grc
- Greek Old Testament (with accents) grc
- SBL Greek New Testament grc
- Septuagint Old Testament grc
- Septuagint Old Testament with accents grc
- Textus Receptus – Editio Regia Greek NT with variants, Strong’s numbers, parsing info and lemmas (no Accents) grc
- Textus Receptus – Editio Regia Greek NT with variants, Strong’s numbers, parsing info and lemmas (w/Accents) grc
- The Greek New Testament – Byzantine Textform grc
- The Greek Testament by Henry Alford with Strong’s numbers grc
- Tischendorf Greek NT 1872, 8th edition – with Strong’s Numbers and parsing info grc
- Westcott-Hort (1881) with NA27/UBS4 variants Greek NT with Strong’s Numbers and parsing info grc
- Westcott-Hort Greek NT with accents grc
Greek, Modern
- Η Καινή Διαθήκη – Νεοελληνική Μετάφραση “Ο ΛΟΓΟΣ” gre
- Μεταγλώττιση Σπύρου Καραλή – Έκδοση 3η gre
- Μετάφραση Νεόφυτου Βάμβα gre
- Μετάφραση Νεόφυτου Βάμβα – Πολυτονικό gre
- Μετάφραση Σπύρου Φίλου – 4η έκδοση, 2003 gre
French Haitian
- French Haitian Creole Version hat
Hebrew, Ancient
- Aleppo Codex heb
- Hebrew interpolated Study Bible (with Strong’s numbers, English gloss, Transliteration, Morpheme indicators) heb
- Shoroshim Companion Tanakh heb
- Westminster Leningrad Codex heb
Hebrew, Modern
- Modern Hebrew Bible heb
- Hindi Bible hin
- Hmar Bible hmr
- Croatian translation hrv
- Hungarian Vizsoly (Karoli) Biblia of 1590 hun
- Indonesian Bahasa Seharihari ind
- Indonesian Terjemahan Baru ind
- Indonesian Terjemahan Lama ind
- Italian Giovanni Diodati Bibbia 1649 ita
- Italian Nuova Riveduta 1994 ita
- Italian Riveduta Bibbia 1927 ita
- Japanese Bible Society 1955 Edition of the Bible jpn
- Kannada KJV Bible kan
- Holy Bible Khmer New Testament khm
- Holy Bible: Korean Translation kor
- Jerome’s A.D. 405 Biblia Sacra Vulgata Latina (Latin Vulgate) lat
- Vulgate Clementine – “Biblia Sacra Vulgatæ editionis, Sixti V Pontificis Maximi jussu recognita et edita” lat
- Lietuviska Biblija: Senasis ir Naujasis Testamentas (The Lithuanian Bible) lit
- Malayalam New Testament mal
- Maori Bible mao
- Malagasy Bible of 1865 mlg
- Koulango Bible nku
- BasisBijbel nld
- Dutch Statenvertaling nld
- Persian Standard Bible of 1895 (Old Persian) per
- Polska Biblia Gdańska 1881 pol
- Uwspółcześniona Biblia Gdańska pol
- Almeida Corrigida Fiel – Edição 2011 por
- Almeida Revisada de acordo com os Melhores Textos em Hebraico e Grego – 1967 por
- Bíblia de Estudo LTT: Bíblia Literal do Texto Tradicional (Massorético+Receptus), Anotada por
- Tradução de João Ferreira de Almeida (Versão Revista e Atualizada, grafia usada na Europa) por
- Tradução de João Ferreira de Almeida Revista e Corrigida. por
- Versão Palavra Viva, Novo Testamento por
- Romanian Cornilescu rum
- Romanian Orthodox Bible rum
- Old Church Slavonic Bible rus
- Russian Synodal Text 1876 rus
- Roháček – autorizovaná verzia Dušana Seberíniho slo
- Sväté písmo – Obsahuje deuterokanonické časti a poznámky prekladateľa slo
- Reina Valera Gómez (palabras de Cristo en rojo) spa
- Spanish Reina-Valera 1909 with Strong’s numbers spa
- Spanish Sagradas Escrituras Version Antigua 1569 spa
- Spanish Valera New Testament (1858) spa
- Holy Bible in Serbian in Cyrillic script srp
- Holy Bible in Serbian in Latin script srp
- Swedish Bible 1917 swe
- Tamil Bible (Red Letter) tam
- Telugu Bible tel
- Tagalog Ang Biblia 1905 tgl
- Thai Catholic Bible tha
- Thai Holy Bible 1971 – พระคริสตธรรมคัมภีร์ ๑๙๗๑ tha
- Thai KJV Bible tha
- Thai Standard Version – พระคริสตธรรมคัมภีร์ ฉบับมาตรฐาน tha
- Luganda Dialect Bible uga
- Ivan Ogienko Ukrainian Bible of 1930 ukr
- Vietnamese Cadman 1934 Version vie
theWord Bible Software Upgrade