PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS: Includes all original unabridged eight volumes!
Eight volume set (in the paper version but this is the electronic version) with the following titles:
- Volume 1 – Prolegomena, Bibliology, Theology Proper.
- Volume 2 – Angelology, Anthropology, Hamartiology.
- Volume 3 – Soteriology.
- Volume 4 – Ecclesiology, Eschatology.
- Volume 5 – Christology.
- Volume 6 – Pneumatology.
- Volume 7 – Doctrinal Summarization.
- Volume 8 – Biographical Sketch and Indexes.
Written by Lewis Sperry Chafer, the founding president of Dallas Theological Seminary and long-time editor of Bibliotheca Sacra, this is the first dispensational, premillennial systematic theology ever published. It is a complete, unabridged systematic theology meaning it covers a lot of ground that many earlier theologies did not, such as ecclesiology (e.g., the doctrine of the universal church, the church’s rule of life), angelology (e.g., the relationship between Satan and sin), and typology. This is truly one of the heavyweight works of the evangelical movement, very much in demand today.
From a review of J.F.Walvoord:
“The appearance of the eight-volume work in Systematic Theology by President Lewis Sperry Chafer of Dallas Theological Seminary is without question an epoch in the history of Christian doctrine. Never before has a work similar in content, purpose, and scope been produced. Its appearance in a day when liberal interpretation and unbelief have riddled the Biblical basis for theological study is in itself highly significant.
Taken as a whole the eight volumes in Systematic Theology constitute a monument in the field of theological literature. It is the first consistently premillennial systematic theology ever written. For the first time, modern Fundamentalism has been systematized in an unabridged systematic theology. The work is definitely creative and original. There is no other work in systematic theology which is comparable to it. Its form of treatment, the method of interpretation, and unabridged character have no parallel. Unlike most systematic theologies, it is presented in a highly readable form, deals with practical as well as doctrinal problems, and constitutes a veritable thesaurus of sermonic material for the preacher. It abounds in devotional passages and is closely linked with the content of the Scriptures. As a product of a lifetime of study, the work has been tested and tempered through years of classroom and public ministry in which the author was recognized internationally as an outstanding expositor of the Scriptures. As a representative, authoritative, and comprehensive treatment of systematic theology, it will occupy a place filled by no other publication.”
Anonymous reviewers comments:
Chafer’s eight volume Systematic Theology is skillfully written from a premillennial, dispensational view. He not only beautifully covers all the disciplines from Theology Proper to Eschatology, but also the various uses of the word “theology” as well as the eight Biblical Covenants and the Dispensations. It is a comprehensive work on each topic but not written in a lofty manner which would be tedious for the reader. Chafer has made the study of Systematic Theology alive and exciting.
These eight books have done more to impact modern theology–especially in America–that just about any out there. While dispensationalism existed before Chafer, and though it has been refined since his day, this work is a must-read for anyone who wants to interact honestly with the position.