About the Author
Douglas Hamp, author of Discovering the Language of Jesus, The First Six Days, and Corrupting the Image, earned his MA in the Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near East from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. During his three years in Israel, he studied both modern and biblical Hebrew, biblical Aramaic, Koine Greek, and other ancient languages as well as ancient texts and the archeology of the Bible. He has served as an assistant pastor at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, where he has taught at the School of Ministry, Spanish School of Ministry, and Calvary Chapel Bible College Graduate School for eight years. Douglas has given numerous lectures on prophecy, creationism, and biblical languages in the United States and internationally. Douglas is a committed follower of Jesus (Yeshua). He lives with his wife and three children in Southern California. He can be reached at www.douglashamp.com.
From the Preface
Genesis 3:15 tells us of two seeds that will come upon the world – one will be the seed of the woman, which is Jesus. However, the other seed spoken of is Satan’s and that is where my research took off. I wanted to discover if the seed of Satan (Antichrist) would be an imitation of the virgin birth and if so, how that was possible genetically. What I uncovered was a war to destroy the image of God led by Satan since the earliest of times.
My method: Due to my language studies in Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, I have been able to do my own linguistic research throughout this book. I primarily conducted my own investigation of words and phrases using theWord Bible Software and therefore, I may not always cite a lexicon for authority. TheWord allowed me to search words in Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic and trace their usage throughout the entire Bible. I used primary sources wherever possible and drew my own conclusions from those. However, I did frequently turn to secondary literature to demonstrate that there are others that have come to similar conclusions – therefore when I state that a Hebrew, Greek, or Aramaic words means such and such, the conclusion is based on my investigation. If I cite another, then I state the source. I use extra-biblical material (e.g. the book of Enoch and the Targumim) as I would a modern commentary – it is not sacred canon. However, unlike a modern commentary, those ancient works were often written by Jews who very likely had some insight that we do not. The method of discovery throughout this book will be to take the words as literally as possible and use the grammatical-historical approach of interpretation and we will find that doing so will make all of the pieces fit precisely.
One Piece of the End Times Puzzle: The topic of the image and how it is corrupted is central to the end times but is only one piece of the end-times puzzle. The study of the end times is complex as there are numerous pieces of the puzzle that need to be accounted for. Consequently, I am not specifically looking at the prophecies concerning the nation of Israel nor the wars and rumors of wars, nor the environment, etc. in this book. Those issues are clearly part of the puzzle but will not be covered here. Rather, I believe that this topic of the image serves as a larger backdrop to those issues. I believe that I have properly identified the root cause of many of the events that are coming upon the world through the study of the image. Because the image is under attack and Satan wants to destroy humanity (those who hold God’s image), certain things have happened in history and more is on the way.
Premillennial: I hold to the premillennial position (the Lord will return bodily to set up His thousand year reign on earth) and I believe it has ample proof and thus I will not attempt to prove it here, but will simply use it as my starting point. Given the many texts that I use to support my thesis, I believe the reader will see that a literal reading of the Bible warrants the premillennial approach.
Reading Plan: There are parts of this book that go into a lot of detail at times to prove beyond a doubt what has happened and what is coming. I have labored to write the book in a non-technical way and have put the non-essentials in the notes at the end of the book. Each chapter is the foundation of the next. Part one of the book discusses the Genesis 3:15 prophecy as it pertains to the Messiah and our future restoration. Parts two and three show the evidence of Satan’s plan to raise up his own seed. For those only interested in the end times (without the explanation of why things are the way they are) read the narrative and then proceed to part two. However, to get the full picture of the makeup of the Antichrist please begin in part one. The image of God serves as a foundation for the rest of the book and in fact I believe a proper understanding of the image of God serves us well as we study the Bible in general. I hope that by understanding who God is and what He is like, you will have a greater appreciation of just how much God loves us and what exciting things He has in store for us! Please skip over the Hebrew and Greek language insertions if those are a distraction to you. They are included because I felt that it was important to thoroughly prove the points that I am making.
Future Book: My intention is to write another book as a follow up to this book describing in detail the events of the Messianic age (Millennium). We will examine biblically the conditions on the earth and the New Jerusalem and also how those that survive the tribulation will receive their new bodies.
To Contact Me: Please visit my website to leave comments on the book or to reach me with a question or to request me to come and speak at your group. www.douglashamp.com.