“This may be the best introductory text published in recent years. In terms of progression through the material, quality of explanatory examples of verbal constructions, and usefulness of the homework exercises, this book is unsurpassed.”
“Offers stimulating and insightful discussions of various aspects of the study of Isaiah. . . . This collection of essays presents a window into the current state of research concerning Isaiah, particularly with regard to questions of the book’s formation, and has much to offer to both students and scholars.”
“For the serious student of the New Testament, learning some amount of biblical Greek is a necessity. This new textbook is a very helpful tool for that task. Designed for beginning students in biblical Greek at the college or seminary level, it offers in a clear and effective manner a step-by-step procedure for learning the language. Vocabulary lists and exercises are drawn from the New Testament and the Septuagint so that from the outset the student has the satisfaction of reading from the biblical texts themselves.”
“Divided into thirty-two lessons (with vocabulary and exercises), this introductory textbook seeks to lead college and seminary students from the Greek alphabet to a working knowledge of the language of the Septuagint and the NT. Paradigms and vocabulary lists are included. The book is adaptable for use in full-year, semester-long, and summer intensive courses, chiefly by selective assignment of exercises.”
“This new textbook provides a traditional presentation of beginning Greek grammar ideally suited for college and seminary courses. . . The abundance and variety of exercises provide flexibility for use with different class formats and teaching styles and prevent students’ familiarity with the NT from becoming a hindrance . . . A strong contender for instructors unhappy with outdated and idiosyncratic grammars.”