“This book in honor of Dr. Charles Ryrie was written by scholars who hold to the same basic view of Dispensationalism for which he is noted. In their chapters they address subjects related directly or indirectly to that system of theology. They exhibit a confirmed commitment to the authority, power, sufficiency, original languages, and correct interpretation of the Scriptures. Their work reflects careful exegesis of pertinent Biblical passages and significant interaction with writings of scholars who disagree with the Dispensational view of the Bible. Readers will be introduced to subjects not normally addressed by Dispensational authors….”
-Renald Showers
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Table of Contents
1) The Necessity of Dispensationalism; Charles C. Ryrie
2) Four Pillars of Dispensationalism; Christopher Cone
3) Priorities in Presenting the Faith; John C. Whitcomb
4) Basic Distinctives of Dispensational Systematic Theology; Charles H. Ray
5) The Importance of Biblical Languages; David E. Olander
6) The Principle of Single Meaning; Robert L. Thomas
7) The Role of Israel in Dispensational Theology; Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum
8) Dispensational Definition & Division Revisited; Christopher Cone
9) The New Testament Use of the Old Testament; Robert L. Thomas
10) Do We Really Hold Scripture to be Sufficient?; John A. Tucker
11) Content, Object & Message of Saving Faith; S. Jeff Heslop
12) The Times of the Gentiles; David Criswell
13) The Pre-Day of the Lord Rapture; David E. Olander
14) Daniel 9:24-27 Considered, Part I; Charles H. Ray
15) Daniel 9:24-27 Considered, Part II; Charles H. Ray
16) Metaphor & the Rapture; Kevin D. Zuber
17) The Two Witnesses; John C. Whitcomb
18) The Realization of Ezekiel’s Temple; Jerry Hullinger
19) Released From the Law for Sanctification; John F. Hart
20) The Kingdom of Emergent Theology; Gary E. Gilley
21) The Church & Social Responsibility; Ron J. Bigalke, Jr.
22) Is Dispensationalism Hurting American Political Policies in the Middle East?; Michael Stallard
23) Biblical Prophecy: An Essential Element in Living a Genuine & Useful Christian Life; Paul N. Benware