Showing 19–36 of 65 results

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The New International Greek Testament Commentary: The Epistle to the Hebrews

(These are resources that are being developed. There is no release date. Pricing is subject to change.)

The New International Greek Testament Commentary: The Epistles to the Thessalonians

(These are resources that are being developed. There is no release date. Pricing is subject to change.)

The letters of Paul to the newly founded Christian community at Thessalonica hold a special place within the Christian tradition as possibly the earliest extant Christian writings. They are also of special interest not only for their theological value but for their sociological context. Among the communities established by Paul, the church at Thessalonica appears to have been the only one to have suffered serious external oppression. These two important epistles, then, speak uniquely to contemporary Christians living in a society often ideologically, if not politically, opposed to Christian faith.

In this innovative commentary Charles A. Wanamaker incorporates what may be called a social science approach to the study of 1 and 2 Thessalonians, taking into full account the social context that gave rise to Paul’s correspondence. While Wanamaker in no way ignores traditional historical-critical, linguistic, literary, and theological approaches to writing a commentary — in fact, at several points he makes a significant contribution to the questions raised by traditional exegesis — at the same time he goes beyond previous commentaries on the Thessalonian correspondence by taking seriously the social dimensions both of Christianity at Thessalonica and of the texts of 1 and 2 Thessalonians themselves. In blending traditional exegetical methods with this newer approach, Wanamaker seeks to understand Pauline Christianity at Thessalonica as a socio-religious movement in the first-century Greco-Roman world and attempts to grasp the social character and functions of Paul’s letters within this context.

The New International Greek Testament Commentary: The Book of Revelation

(These are resources that are being developed. There is no release date. Pricing is subject to change.)

The New International Greek Testament Commentary: The Epistle of James

(These are resources that are being developed. There is no release date. Pricing is subject to change.)

Peter David’s study on the Epistle of James is a contribution to The New International Greek Testament Commentary, a series based on the UBS Greek New Testament, which attempts to provide thorough exegesis of the text that is sensitive to theological themes as well as to the details of the historical, linguistic, and textual context.

The New International Greek Testament Commentary: The Gospel of Mark

(These are resources that are being developed. There is no release date. Pricing is subject to change.)

Drawing on many years of Marcan studies, world-class scholar R. T. France has produced an exegetical commentary on the Greek text of Mark that does what the best of recent Greek commentaries have done but in France’s own inimitable, reader-friendly way.

This work is a commentary on Mark itself, not a commentary on commentaries of Mark. It deals immediately and directly with matters that France himself regards as important. Working from his own translation of the Greek text and culling from helpful research into the world of first-century Palestine, France provides an extensive introduction to Mark’s Gospel, followed by insightful section and verse commentary.

France sees the structure of Mark’s Gospel as an effective “drama in three acts.” Act 1 takes up Jesus’ public ministry in Galilee. Act 2 covers Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem with his disciples. Act 3 focuses on Jesus’ public ministry in Jerusalem, including his confrontation with the Jewish leaders, his explanatory discourse on the future, and his passion, death, and resurrection. France carefully unpacks for modern readers the two central themes of this powerful narrative of Jesus’ life — the nature of Christ and the role of discipleship.

Supported by careful argumentation and impressive in its sensitivity to Mark’s structure, context, and use of the Old Testament, France’s study of the second Gospel is without peer.

The New International Greek Testament Commentary: The Pastoral Epistles

(These are resources that are being developed. There is no release date. Pricing is subject to change.)

This is a thorough, full- scale English commentary on the Greek text of 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus. While author George W. Knight gives careful attention to the comments of previous interpreters of the text, both ancient and modern, his emphasis is on exegesis of the Greek text itself and on the flow of the argument in each of these three epistles.

Besides providing a detailed look at the meanings and interrelationships of the Greek words as they appear in each context, Knight’s commentary includes an introduction that treats at length the question of authorship (he argues for Pauline authorship and proposes, on the basis of stylistic features, that Luke might have been the amanuensis for the Pastoral Epistles), the historical background of these letters, and the personalities and circumstances of the recipients.

Knight also provides two special excursuses: the first gathers together the information in the Pastorals and elsewhere in the New Testament on early church offices and leaders; the other excursus examines the motivations for conduct in Titus 2:1-10 with a view to their applicability to present-day situations.

The New International Greek Testament Commentary: The Epistle to the Galatians

(These are resources that are being developed. There is no release date. Pricing is subject to change.)

The New International Greek Testament Commentary: The Epistles to the Colossians and to Philemon

(These are resources that are being developed. There is no release date. Pricing is subject to change.)

Series: The New International Greek Testament Commentary (NIGTC)

Paul’s Epistle to the Colossians merits detailed study for at least two reasons. First, it provides an unexpectedly interesting window into the character of Christianity in Asia Minor in the second half of the first century. With the information it gives about the religious tensions within which emergent Christianity was caught up, not least those between Christianity and diaspora Judaism, we begin to gain more insight into the influences and factors that shaped the transition from apostolic to subapostolic Christianity in the region. Second, Colossians represents a crucial stage in the development of Pauline theology itself. Whether it was written at the end of Paul’s life or soon after his death, it indicates how Pauline theology retained its own vital character and did not die with Paul.

In this volume in the celebrated New International Greek Testament Commentary, James D. G. Dunn, author of numerous well-received works on the historical origin and theological interpretation of the New Testament, provides detailed expositions of the text of Paul’s letters to the Colossians and to Philemon.
Dunn examines each of these letters within the context of the Jewish and Hellenistic cultures in the first century, and discusses the place of Colossians and Philemon in the relationship between the Pauline mission and the early churches that received these letters. Particular stress is also placed on the role of faith in Jesus Christ within and over against Judaism and on the counsel of these two important letters with regard to the shaping of human relationships in the community of faith.

The New International Greek Testament Commentary: The Second Epistle to the Corinthians

(These are resources that are being developed. There is no release date. Pricing is subject to change.)

Series: The New International Greek Testament Commentary (NIGTC)

The reputation of the NIGTC series is so outstanding that the appearance of each new volume is noteworthy. This book on 2 Corinthians is no exception. Master New Testament exegete Murray J. Harris has produced a superb commentary that analyzes the Greek text verse by verse against the backdrop of Paul’s tumultuous relations with his converts at Corinth.

Believing that Scripture cannot be understood theologically unless it has first been understood grammatically, Harris provides a careful, thoroughgoing reading of the text of 2 Corinthians. He gives special attention to matters of translation, making regular references not only to the standard modern English translations but also to influential older versions such as The Twentieth Century New Testament and those by Weymouth, Moffatt, and Goodspeed. His close attention to matters of textual criticism and grammar leads to discussions of the theology of 2 Corinthians that show the relevance of Paul’s teaching to Christian living and church ministry.

Other notable features of the book include a comprehensive introduction in which all the relevant literary and historical issues are discussed, an expanded paraphrase of the letter that conveniently shows Harris’s decisions on exegetical issues and indicates the flow of Paul’s argument, a chronology of the relations of Paul, Timothy, and Titus with the Corinthian church, and an excursus on Paul’s “affliction in Asia” (1:8-11) and its influence on his outlook and theology.

The New International Greek Testament Commentary: The First Epistle to the Corinthians

(These are resources that are being developed. There is no release date. Pricing is subject to change.)

Series: The New International Greek Testament Commentary (NIGTC)

This superb volume in the New International Greek Testament Commentary series provides the most detailed, definitive, and distinctive commentary on 1 Corinthians available in English to date.

One of the world’s most respected Christian theologians, Anthony Thiselton here provides in- depth discussion of the language of 1 Corinthians, presents his own careful translation of the Greek, traces the main issues of interpretation from the church fathers to the present, and highlights topics of theological, ethical, and sociohistorical interest today, including ethics and “rights,” marriage, divorce and remarriage, “headship,” gender, prophecy, and many others.

No other commentary on 1 Corinthians embodies the wealth and depth of detail presented in Thiselton’s work, which takes account of nearly all scholarly research on 1 Corinthians and incorporates substantial bibliographies throughout. In his commentary Thiselton indeed addresses virtually every question that thoughtful, serious readers — scholars, students, pastors, teachers — may wish to ask of or about the text of 1 Corinthians. His work truly offers a fresh, comprehensive, and original contribution to our understanding of this major epistle and its contemporary relevance.

An Interpretive Lexicon of New Testament Greek (Analysis of Prepositions, Adverbs, Particles, Relative Pronouns and Conjunctions)


Book Summary

This interpretive lexicon is a Greek language resource that is intended to help students and translators to easily and quickly determine the range of translation possibilities for a wide variety of the smallest and most difficult words in the Greek New Testament to translate

About the Book

Save considerable time in translating and exegesis of the Greek New Testament text.

This Lexicon has a very specific and important purpose: to make the process of New Testament interpretation easier and more accurate by providing a comprehensive yet concise interpretation of Greek words that determine logical relationships between statements or clauses.

These words (prepositions, adverbs, particles, relative pronouns, conjunctions and other connectors) are essential to revealing and supporting the main ideas in the text and are especially useful for interpreting logical arguments, such as those found in the epistles.

While not exhaustive, this Interpretive Lexicon lists the vast majority of Greek connecting words, especially those that are notorious for being some of the most difficult words to translate.

Features include:

  • Concise definitions for quick analysis.
  • Examples of where the word is found in Scripture.
  • Page references to several major lexical resources for further translation options and nuances.
  • Interpretation of the broader categories of each word (for example: locative (in, among, on), means-end (with, by), grounds (because, on account of), temporal (while, at), and so on.

The interpretive feature of the book–evaluating the word’s function in discourse–is tremendously helpful for the exegetical process, allowing the translator to closely follow the logical flow of the text with greater efficiency. This Interpretive Lexicon is a valuable handbook for student, pastor, and scholar alike.

theWord Features:

  • Verse popups
  • Abbreviation popups
  • Many internal links
  • Word lookup via right-click-menu
  • Fully searchable text
  • Footnotes
  • Page numbers noted for BDAG (00 and 79)
  • Easy navigation of topics via topics tree display.
  • Special Text Colors
    • Normal: Text
    • Hyperlink: Luke 20:21
    • Greek: χρησις
    • Hebrew: א
    • Page Number: [pg21>

Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics

(1 customer review)

The first textbook that systematically links syntax and exegesis of the New Testament—perfect for students of Greek who are “second-year” or at an intermediate level.

For seminary students, the goal of studying Greek grammar in the first place is to ultimately get beyond the grammar itself and understand it well enough to use it in the accurate exegesis of biblical texts.

Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics—the most up-to-date Greek grammar available—integrates the technical requirements for proper Greek interpretation with the actual interests and needs of Bible students. It explores numerous syntactical categories, some of which have not previously been dealt with in print, and has a number of distinguishing features, including:

Exegetically significant illustrations, discussed in depth.
Semantic situations—or contexts for simple semantics—are developed and analyzed.
Expanded definitions and numerous examples and syntactical categories.
Grammatical statistics listed at the beginning of major sections.
Scores of charts, tables, and graphs.
Sound exegesis requires that the exegete consider grammar within a larger framework that includes context, lexeme, and other linguistic features. This textbook faithfully equips intermediate Greek students with the skills they need to do exegesis of biblical texts in a way that is faithful to their intended meaning.

The expanded edition contains a subject index, a Greek word index, and page numbers in the Syntax Summary section.

About the Author
Daniel B. Wallace (PhD, Dallas Theological Seminary) is professor of New Testament at Dallas Theological Seminary. He is a noted textual critic, serving as head of the Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts, and is author of Greek Grammar beyond the Basics, Basics of New Testament Syntax, and (with Grant Edwards) of A Workbook for New Testament Syntax.

theWord Features:

  • Verse popups
  • Fully searchable text
  • Footnotes
  • Page Number: [pg21>
  • Page links in index
  • Easy navigation of topics via topics tree display.
  • Greek words index
  • Subject index
  • Verse page index
  • Syntax Summaries
  • Cheat Sheet
  • Special text colors
    • Normal: Text
    • Hyperlink: Luke 20:21
    • Greek: χρησις

Myths and Mistakes in New Testament Criticism


Since the unexpected popularity of Bart Ehrman’s bestselling Misquoting Jesus, textual criticism has become a staple of Christian apologetics.

Ehrman’s skepticism about recovering the original text of the New Testament does deserve a response. However, this renewed apologetic interest in textual criticism has created fresh problems for evangelicals. An unfortunate proliferation of myths, mistakes, and misinformation has arisen about this technical area of biblical studies.

In this volume Elijah Hixson and Peter Gurry, along with a team of New Testament textual critics, offer up-to-date, accurate information on the history and current state of the New Testament text that will serve apologists and Christian students even as it offers a self-corrective to evangelical excesses.

Around 367 pages.

theWord Features

  • Verse popups
  • Fully searchable text
  • Footnote(s)
  • Easy navigation of topics via topics tree display.
  • Special Text Colors
    • Normal: Text
    • Pages: [p1>
    • Hyperlink: Link | Jn 3:36
    • Greek: λογος
    • Hebrew: א
    • Sahidic: аϥϯпЄЧОУОЄІ ЄРОЧ
$1,057.83 $846.26 Add to cart

Package: BHS5 (Text) || ETCBC (WIVU) (Gloss, Lemma, Morphology, Clausing)

(3 customer reviews)

BHS5 Description

Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS) is known to be the definitive edition of the Hebrew Bible. It is widely regarded as a reliable edition of the Hebrew and Aramaic scriptures and is the most widely used original-language edition among scholars.

ETCBC (WIVU) Description

The ETCBC data is comprised of the text of the BHS5. It provides Lemmas which work in sync with our Hebrew dictionaries. Morphology is provided and explained via the morphology dictionary. An English gloss is provided for a quick overview of a word with pronouns in color. A transliteration is provided for those new to learning Hebrew.

Sentence markers indicate where a sentence begins. Clause markers indicate a start to a clause while also explaining the clause for example: “Type: NominalDomain: NarrativeKind: Nominal”. Likewise with Phrase markers indication of start and explanation is given for example: “Type: NominalDetermination: determinedFunction: Subject” all of these markers are toggled via the F key.

The text contains both Ketiv and Qere variants. Ketiv variants are displayed in brown color, Qere in blue. Qere variants can be toggled on/off with the R key.

Lastly the pointings can be toggled on and off using the V key for those who are interested in reading the consonants with out the distraction of the points.

theWord Features:

  • BHS5 Text
  • Lemma
  • Morphology
  • English gloss (on hover over word)
  • Transliteration (on hover over word)
  • Sentences markers.
  • Clauses markers with explanation
  • Phrases markers with explanation
  • Sentence/Clauses/Phrases. To toggle on/off these use the F key.
  • The text is pointed Hebrew. To toggle on/off pointings use the V key.
  • The text contains both Ketiv and Qere variants. Ketiv variants are displayed in brown color, Qere in blue. Qere variants can be toggled on/off with the R key.
  • Morphology Dictionary (in book view)

⦁ Morphology for the BHS5/ETCBC
⦁ Fully searchable text
⦁ Easy navigation of topics via topics tree display.

$56.00 $49.28 Add to cart

Wuest Word Studies in the Greek New Testament


These studies and translations of the Greek New Testament are simplified commentaries on the Greek text for the Bible student who is not conversant with the Greek language. The three-volume set includes commentaries on Mark, Romans, Galatians, Ephesians Colossians, Philippians, Hebrews, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John and Jude; graphic elucidations of selected passages, words, and phrases; and devotional studies on the teachings of Jesus and the apostles.

theWord Features

  • Verse popups
  • Fully searchable text
  • Footnotes
  • Easy navigation of topics via topics tree display.
  • Special Text Colors
    • Normal: Text
    • Hyperlink: Luke 20:21
    • Page Number: [pg 21>
    • Greek: χρησις
    • Hebrew: מֶ֫לֶךְ
    • Transliterated Greek & Hebrew: euaggelion

A Modern Grammar for Biblical Hebrew


A Modern Grammar for Biblical Hebrew and its accompanying materials are designed for a two-semester course of study. The textbook’s structure, however, is intentionally set up to allow maximal use in both traditional and non-traditional academic settings. The format of the material gives instructors numerous options for customizing their syllabi.

theWord Features

  • Verse popups
  • Fully searchable text
  • Footnotes
  • Easy navigation of topics via topics tree display.
  • Special Text Colors
    • Normal: Text
    • Hyperlink: LXX| Luke 20:21
    • Page Number: [pg 21>
    • Hebrew: מֶ֫לֶךְ


Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia 5th Revision (text only)

Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS) is known to be the definitive edition of the Hebrew Bible. It is widely regarded as a reliable edition of the Hebrew and Aramaic scriptures and is the most widely used original-language edition among scholars.

theWord Features:

  • Note (Lemma and Morphology not available in this version, text only)
  • The text is pointed Hebrew. To toggle on/off pointings use the V key.
  • The text contains both Ketiv and Qere variants. Ketiv variants are displayed in brown color, Qere in blue. Qere variants can be toggled on/off with the R key.