tWsneak-peek(tWalpha) version

tWsneak-peek(twAlpha) is the alpha version of theWord where the new features are first added and become available for early testing. Please only discuss twalpha in the github not in theWord forum. The forum is for theWord beta and beyond.

What is required:

  • The desire to work with the latest release and the willingness to wrestle with bugs.
  • A reading/examining of the changelog (in twSneak-Peek book)
  • A github account with access to twalpha (request needed link is next)
  • Features, Questions, Bugreports for to twSneak-Peek is here: [request access via twalpha at explain who you are and what you can add to the testing process.]

Installation recommendations

  1. Testing in a new compact install is recommended (We don’t recommend a normal/full installation of the alpha version.)
  2. To start off install theWord in compact installation using something like
  3. Always keep backups of theWord.
  4. Always read the twSneak-Peek Version book inside theWord. (For example there are some versions that can reindex your entire library!)
  5. Download the latest twSneak-Peek Updates [request access via twalpha at explain who you are and what you can add to the testing process.]


  1. Before submitting any issues/bugs please read the changelog thoroughly.
  2. Any issues found should be filed here and use the tag “bug” or put [BUG] in the topic.
  3. Please don’t post anything regarding the alpha at theWord forums. We don’t want to confuse users of the stable (beta) version.
  4. Please include the twalpha version: theword-
  5. twSneak-Peek can contain several new features at once, so it’s important to mention the specific feature being tested, ideally as a tag: bible-sets
  6. Please included detailed steps to reproduce the bug and snapshots/picture. If you have Windows the Snipping Tool is easy to use to grab a small portion of the Screen. If you have Linux perhaps GNOME Screenshot or look here.
  7. Please include: Operating system: Windows 10, 11; Linux Version etc.

New Feature Requests

  1. Please no hen pecking (this is constantly asking for new features/changes). This could lead to removal from alpha testing.
  2. You may ask for features but do it throughly here and use the tag “enhancement” or put [ENHANCEMENT] in the topic.
  3. Note: Please focus on bugs instead of new features/changes.
  4. Presentation of a feature request or enhancement may make a lot of difference on if your request gets ignored. When presented as you must or you owe this then this may lead to that request being ignored.

Summary of main twSneak-Peek features

Note this full information has moved to “theWord Sneak-Peek Version” book inside theWord.

Small summary:

  • General
    • Download twSneak-Peek updates via Add Titles
    • Fixing Duplicate IDs, Titles (filenames)
  • Bible View
    • Bible sets
    • Show/Hide Verse Numbers
    • All Bibles are viewed as UTF8 to make the introduction of new features easier
    • Compare View difference Highlighting
    • Separate Strong’s for Hebrew/Greek
    • Show Lemma in Bible View (Separate dictionaries for Hebrew/Greek Lemmas)
    • Interlinear View Addition to the normal Intralinear view of Bible view
    • Automatic Transliteration of Lemma and ORIGWORD row in a Bible.
  • Bible Search
    • Statistics
    • Nxt (new search operator)
    • NearW update
  • Book View
    • Book topics (NormalizeC) which helps Greek/Hebrew be standardized
    • Hebrew/Greek font settings
    • Auto Detect Strongs and Lemmas
    • Reference recognition updates
  • Book Search view
    • (Reference index/search)